
where yoga nidra meets nature connection

EcoNIDRA is a deeply relaxing and restorative practice that enables us to reconnect with ourselves and with the earth. It is a blend of the ancient practice of yoga nidra and forest therapy.

Like yoga nidra, you lie down in a comfortable position and follow the voice of a guide. During the session, you bring your attention to your breath, various sensations, and different parts of your body, helping you enter a state between wakefulness and sleep. Then you are taken on a journey through the earth, listening to natural soundscapes and allowing the imaginal sense to take you wherever you wish to go.

Unlike some forms of meditation that require active concentration, EcoNIDRA allows you to simply let go and be guided into a state of deep relaxation. It brings us to a deep state of non-doing that helps us sleep better, reduce stress, and restore profound peace, relaxation and rejuvenation to the body. It takes us to a brainwave state where the organs and systems of the body are nourished and regenerated. EcoNIDRA practice can have the same effect as 3-4 hours of deep, restful sleep. 


The benefits of the practice are profound and can be experienced even after a single session. If we embrace EcoNIDRA as a regular practice, the benefits will add up, deepen, and grow exponentially. Backed by science, the benefits include:

  • Reducing stress and anxiety

  • Boosting immune function

  • Better sleep

  • Enhanced creativity, focus, and memory

  • Greater sense of aliveness and being present

  • Improved emotional self-regulation

  • Greater level of connection to yourself, others, and the earth

what to expect

Sessions last for 45-50 minutes. All you need to do is be in a comfortable lying position, preferably the Savasana position, and allow yourself to be guided by my voice. I recommend wearing comfortable clothes, perhaps having a light cushion for under your head and/or knees, and a blanket to keep you warm.

We also partner with a nature being for the experience, so have one with you (like a stone, pine cone, shell, flower, etc.) or just nearby (a tree, plant, element, etc.) to accompany you on your journey.

It is not unusual for people to fall asleep during a session. Even if you are not consciously aware, your subconscious mind doesn’t stop listening, and you will still feel all of the wonderful benefits from the practice.